this image is googled but it looks exactly like that! Just that his looks even nicer cause the biscuit fingers are flat and not slanted like the ones in the picture. Oh, without the walnut too.
This time, he added some orange to the mascarpone =) So I'm eating a large slice of it right now, its great having a brother who can cook (and teach me stuff)
(its luckier to have a boyfriend who can cook! *winks at someone*)
Eric Whitacre - The Seal Lullaby
Thanks to Peixuan who provided the link! =D Love his compositions ^_^
Adam Lambert - I just love you
We listened to this while doing the sketching and I think its a beautiful song =) The song's originally by Five for fighting! (remember SUPERMAN?)
I've also got 300 more new additions to my iTunes library recently (its time I cleared the whole bunch of jpop I hardly listen to). Currently at 9100+ songs it lags my com like gayshit, its not like I listen to the whole lot of Ayumi remixes (and probably re-re-remixes) anyway -__-

Took me long enough to get my hands on a few season of Friends but DAMMIT its so freaking awesome! So I'm watching from season 1 and its already so great, I used to love rachel and I still do. Like Ross still but now I have a personal favourite and that's Phoebe!! :D
Sad to say, I think I'm a little like Phoebe sometimes (no wonder I get weird stares from my friends and people D:) No matter, watching this just reminds me of why I loved friends so much last time :D (THANKS, K!)

oh gosh look at Jennifer Aniston's hair .__.
So today was pw then art, art and art.
I didn't get much done for art today, just finished the final sketch and traced it on the ginormous (AND INTIMIDATING) canvas at the end of the day with the help of LINETTE!
If you ever read this, THANKS ALOT GIRL, SERIOUSLY! I won't ever win anything but I guess I'll just treat you something another day :P Tom yam Nissin cup noodles? haha.
The canvas is intimidating for sure. I have to raise and straighten my arm to reach the top when its on an easel. Shut up, I know I'm not the tallest person you've seen.
Right and I think my art sucks to the max shit after looking at the prep work, tyvm. D:
The both of us got piping hot BUTTER WAFFLES after that. My stomach is churning.

We've got to go back to continue with the painting tomorrow, but Syairah and I (along with a whole buncha people) are going Pulao Semakau tomorrow. Don't ask me why I'm going, I was forced to, but hopefully it'll be a great trip (just like how the VCW wasn't as bad as I thought)
Btw, Pulau Semakau is that island thing made of rubbish. Singapore seems to be pretty good at transforming rubbish into impressive stuff, haha.
Well then I'm off,
the scriptwriter of friends' sense of humour = fantastic.
I'm so 3008, you're so 2000 and late!
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